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Press Statement: PDP Congratulates New Assembly Speaker

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, July 9, 2013 0 comments

The Rivers State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has congratulated the new Speaker of the State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon Evans Babakaya Bipialaka.
The Party said by the unanimous election of the new Speaker, the state lawmakers have once again demonstrated the unity and sense of purpose that characterized the hallowed chamber before the crisis.
The party expressed optimism that the normal House proceedings which had been stalled for months now due to executive interruption will now pick up with the new House leadership.
The PDP also felicitated with other principal officers of the House elected alongside Rt Hon Evans Bipialaka and wish them smooth and successful outing.
The party called for law and order from all PDP faithful and the people of Rivers State, and enjoined all the lawmakers to give their maximum co-operation to the new House leadership.
It could be recalled that due to the suspension of some recalcitrant members of  the State legislature and the stalling of House proceedings, the lawmakers reconvened this morning, Tuesday, March 9, 2013 to take far reaching decisions including the impeachment of the former Speaker, Rt. Hon Otelemaba Dan Amachree and his team to bring the legislature back to business.
Barr Monday Oyenzeowu
State Publicity Secretary
PDP, Rivers State
July 9, 2013


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