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Delta Police arrest 179 physically challenged persons for unruly behaviour

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, July 9, 2013 0 comments

About 179 Physically Challenged Persons were arrested by the Delta State Police Command after holding the state under siege for close to 12 hours not minding the heavy downpour.

The Physically Challenged persons numbering about 250 had on Monday 8th July 2013 barricaded the Benin-Asaba express road from 11:45 am to 10:30pm inhibiting human and vehicular movement thereby disrupting inter-state commercial activities.

They had gone to Government House, Asaba to protest what they described as shabby treatment by their handlers, after been addressed by the Secretary to the State Government, Comrade Ovuozourie Macaulay, promising that Government would look into their issues. They still demanded that Governor Uduaghan who was on official assignment in Warri should come and speak to them personally.

The Physically Challenged men and women took to the streets and later to the Federal High Way. The Police who waited patiently for normalcy to return had no choice but to effect some arrest to curtail the breakdown of law and order.

Governor Uduaghan who frowned at their disregard for constituted authority and other people's rights warned that Government can only help those who are ready to help them selves. He retreated that Government had not only given jobs to some employable members of physically challenged group but also trained and gave starter pack as well as opened up businesses for those who agreed to attend the skill acquisition programme of the Government, therefore, Government he said will not be blackmailed into sharing money to any group or persons.

Speaking the Commissioner of Police, Ikechukwu Aduba, who brought their leadership to Warri said but for but the Governor's intervention, those arrested would have been charged to court immediately.

Chairman of the Disabled Persons' Association, Isaac Omoh Obruche, apologized to the state government and the Commissioner of Police for their misbehavior, promising to tour the path pf law and order in presenting their grievances. 

Meanwhile the State Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan has prevailed on the state police command to set free the 179 physically challenged persons arrested (Monday) for unlawful blockading of the Benin-Asaba Expressway in Asaba.
However, they are to signed an undertaking to henceforth  to be of good behaviour and never to engage in any riotous act that will cause a distruption of the traffic or breach of peace in any part of the state.

The Governor who spoke at the Governor's office Annex Warri when the leaders of the physically challenged persons arrested during the twelve hour protest were brought before him, said it was not acceptable for them or any person to embark on acts that will cause a breach of the peace or distrupt the free flow of traffic.

According to him, 'we cannot continue to allow you people to behave the way you are behaving; you  must signed an undertaking with the police to henceforth be of good behavior. What you people did yesterday (Monday) is certainly not acceptable. You blocked a major economic route of the nation and caused others unnecessary hardship'.

Continuing the Governor said, 'this adminstration has done so much for then physically challenged, we even created a special office to handle your affairs soI  am surprised at your behaviour'.

Dr. Uduaghan told them that they should stop regarding themselves as beggars explaining that their physical condition was not a licence for them not to make a decent living as they must struggle like others rather than  keep waiting for handouts from government and other persons.

His words, 'any one of you that wants to work with government we will work with the person, but what I will not do is to hand money over to you. If you want to learn a skill we will train you and start you off, if you want employment you must pass through the necessary procedure and we will look at it and see what we can do. However, I will not be stampeded'.

Commending the Police for the professional way it handled the matter, Governor Uduaghan appealed that the arrested culprits be given an opportunity to be of good behaviour and directed the police to investigate the source of the money with which they had over thirty buses for the protest.

Commissioner of Police, Mr. Ikechukwu Aduba while briefing the Governor said the group constituted themselves into a nuisance and held up traffic for twelve hours between eleven in the morning and eleven at night.

The commissioner said many people were stranded as a result of the action and that most people were attacked while a woman in labour went through hard times because of the actions of the physically challenged persons.

Mr. Aduba who commended his men for their professional approach in handling the protesters announced that one Hundred and seventy nine of them were arrested
The leader of the group one Isaac Obruche apologised for their unruly attitude that brought disrepute to Delta State and promised that henceforth they will be of good behaviour and channel their grievances lawfully and properly.


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