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Ewherido’s Strange Ailment: His political rivals should be held accountable

Posted by Unknown Sunday, June 30, 2013 0 comments

As a result of the demise of the Senator representing Delta Central in the Nigerian Senate, Senator Akpo Pius Ewherido, the authorities and the people of his constituents have been urged to dig deep into unraveling the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death.
A chieftain of his party, the Democratic Peoples Party (DPP) which has been gearing on merging with the new mega party in the State, All Progressive Congress (APC) who spoke on anonymity with this reporter, stated that with his sudden popularity in the State coupled with his interest in contesting the 2015 governorship position in the State, his political rivals should be questioned on what they know about his death.
“Of recent prior to his death, Ewherido has been having a cold war with Chief Great Ogboru of the same DPP on who flies the party’s flag for the 2015 general election. This is aside a boosting Chief Ighoyota Amori of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) who contested the senate election with Ewherido in 2011 and is good with parading himself as a Senator in waiting.
“Don’t forget the spiritual attack on Chief Charles Obule where he claimed in presence of some Chiefs in the entourage sent by the Orodje of Okpe to visit him (Obule) on the demise of his brother. In that visit, Chief Obule had illustrated how Chief Amori had struck him with the same mysterious ailment that befell Ewherido in the United Kingdom.”
According to the DPP chieftain, Obule had said that contrary to his expectation, he was advised by the English medical doctor attending to him in the UK, to go back to Africa as his ailment was attributed to a divine force from his home continent and as such, his treatment in the UK would be effort in futility. An advice he headed to which reflects his gradual recuperation viz-a-viz spiritual help at his Portharcourt.
 Ewherido was struck with a strange ailment on Thursday while making a phone call at his Abuja residence. It was gathered that, he immediately fell down gasping for air and bleeding through the mouth and nostrils after which he was immediately rushed to the Abuja National Hospital pending his recovery and subsequent treatment at Germany.
As at the late hours of yesterday (Saturday 29th July) the Delta State Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan had paid a him a visit where he was said to be recuperating and getting ready for his trip to Germany on Monday (tomorrow . Unfortunately he gave up the ghost on Sunday evening.
Meanwhile the Presidency through its spokesperson, Dr. Reuben Abati in a press release stated that it joins members of the Ewherido family, the government and people of Delta State in mourning the distinguished legislator who served commendably as a member and Deputy Speaker of the Delta State of Assembly before his election as the Senator representing the Delta Central Senatorial District in the 2011 general elections.
The Senator was aged 50.


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